About Us

What We Do

We are extending consultation, expert’s guidance & support by making it easily accessible & very affordable, which is in the interest of people to enable them for dealing with personal, social,educational, business, legal and other issues.

The field of Social Service is expanding day by day. We attempt to relieve and prevent hardship and suffering of individuals, families, groups and communities through operation of appropriate services and by contributing to social planning. We found that our support initially may help either by Counselling or consultation in various fields like Education & Career development, issues related to Psychological problems, help to Senior Citizens, Health Care guidance, Financial & Business Management, Skill Development, Woman empowerment, Rural development etc. Issues not resolved shall be taken due care subsequently.

Who we are

Share2care Social Services Foundation is a company registered as Non-profit Non-Government Organisation under Section 8 of the Companies Act, 2013, which pertains ‘for promoting commerce, art, science, sports, education, research, social welfare, religion, charity, protection of environment or any such other object’. This foundation is registered at Delhi and working all over India.

We are group of talented, educated & committed professionals, from various walks of life, having a wish to help the Society. Our aim is to make life stress free for each one.

Our mission

Improve the quality of life of needy, by extending support for resolving issues causing stress, depression, isolation etc., which may be due to insufficient resources or economic hardship or otherwise.

For whom, we are working

As it is known that not everyone on this earth is bestowed with all the happiness that life has to offer. Anyone, poor or rich, sufferer & struggling with challenges of life can approach us for resolving the issues by experts in their respective field, utilising online facilities at share2care.co. We shall be change agents in the lives of the individuals, families and communities by utilizing variety of skills, techniques, and activities consistent with focus on persons and their environments.

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